Tartu Loomemajanduskeskus

Going Global Georgia (1.01 to 31.12.2021)

Going Global Georgia is an international project that aims to increase the entrepreneurial knowledge and competencies of small and micro entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship teachers and young professionals aspiring to sell on global markets via use of online environments. During the project, online trainings are delivered by Estonian industry experts to provide basic knowledge about tried and tested social media (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn), Google, Amazon, and Etsy sales strategies.  

Funding: The project is financed by Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the funds of development cooperation and humanitarian aid.

Project period: 1.01 – 31.12.2021

1) Summary:

Going Global Georgia is an international project that aims to increase the entrepreneurial knowledge and competencies of small and micro entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship teachers and young professionals aspiring to sell on global markets via use of online environments. During the project, online trainings are delivered by Estonian industry experts to provide basic knowledge about tried and tested social media (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn), Google, Amazon, and Etsy sales strategies.  Trainings are held on Zoom platform and each training has follow-up Zoom sessions, where participants have an opportunity to ask questions, to deepen the knowledge of the covered topics and to get hands-on advises from the instructors. To support participants in better applying the knowledge gained during the trainings, face-to-face seminars and workshops will be held in Tbilisi and Kutaisi.

Project partners

Lead partner: Tartu Center for Creative Industries

Georgian partner: Crystal Consulting

Project budget 56 120,00 eur

More information about the training programme and project activities can be found HERE


2) Instructors and Training programme 

Jaan Kruusma is a lecturer of Facebook and Instagram. He has been teaching people about social media principles and how to use Facebook advertising tools for the last 10 years. The first 5 years he was running a marketing agency and the last 5 years he has been a coach and a consultant. His passion is to help people fulfill their goals and today he believes that thanks to the internet and online marketing we now all have a chance to be successful. He also acts as a mentor – last February he was in Georgia with Garage48 organization and they were doing a startup Bootcamp.

Kadri Ronk is a lecturer of Google Ads. Kadri is a digital marketing specialist whose strength is increasing sales and leads through Google Ads and Facebook Ads campaigns. She is currently working as a digital marketing manager at Click & Grow. Previously she has worked in several agencies, where she helped businesses of all kinds grow their revenue by developing and implementing customized strategies for clients.

Indrek Põldvee, aka Mr. LinkedIn, is a lecturer of LinkedIn. Indrek is the founder and CEO of B2B Growth – the only agency in the Baltics focused on LinkedIn. In a little over a year, Indrek has taught over 500 people in Europe how to build their brand, get leads, and write valuable content using LinkedIn. For the last 3 years, Indrek has been mentoring different startups and entrepreneurs. Indrek co-founded Sorry as a Service that was successfully sold in the summer of 2019.

Victoria Silber is a lecturer of Etsy. Victoria is a digital marketing specialist and experienced trainer with a focus on the creative industries. With her international background from living in Denmark, Norway, and Mexico, she has a good understanding of cultural differences. Additionally, she has worked as a marketing agent for companies in Sweden, Denmark, and South Korea. Having interest in handicraft Victoria has successfully run her own Etsy shop. During the last years Victoria has developed this knowledge into training courses, where she introduces the business possibilities of Etsy to interested people and helps them to turn their manual skills and talents into regular income.

Mihkel Moosel is lecturer of Amazon. Mihkel is one of the strongest Amazon experts in Estonia and has helped different Estonian companies to create sales over 1 000 000 euros. With the help of his team, Mihkel builds his own profitable 7-figure Amazon stores and helps brands & manufacturers to achieve the same success under his Amazon Partnerships Agency – Digital Merchant. Together, they consistently take struggling brands to the top of their given niches.


Facebook-Instagram / Jaan Kruusma

13.03 – Social media – Facebook-Instagram: Part 1

• The basics of Facebook/Instagram
•  Facebook Ad Types, examples
•  Video or Images: Which Performs Better in Facebook Ads?
•  Tips to Write the Best Facebook Ads
•  Facebook Audience Targeting
•  Homework I

20.03 – Follow-up Q&A session of Facebook-Instagram: Part 1 training

27.03 – Social media – Facebook-Instagram: Part 2
• Analyzing & Optimizing
• Remarketing
• Homework II

3.04 – Homework session

Google Ads / Kadri Ronk

10. 04 – Google Ads: Part I

•  The basics of Google Ads
•  Different campaign types
•  The importance of tracking
•  Search campaign setup
•  Bidding strategies
•  How to write search ad copy
•  How to choose the right keywords
•  Homework I

17. 04 – Google Ads: Part II

• Google Display ads
• YouTube ads
• Gmail Ads
• Shopping Ads
• Measuring results with Google Analytics
• Analyzing & Optimizing
• Remarketing
• Homework II

24.04 – Follow-up Q&A session of Google Ads training

LinkedIn / Indrek Põldvee

8.05 – Social media – LinkedIn

• What is LinkedIn and who use it? Why should I use LinkedIn at all?
• Personal vs company profile. What are the differences?
• Company profile overview. How to stand out?
• How to stand out with a personal profile?
• LinkedIn as a sales tool and finding the right contacts
• How to build your network and start conversations?

15.05 – Follow-up & session of LinkedIn training

Etsy.com / Victoria Silber

22.05 – Etsy: Part 1

• How to open your own Etsy shop
• How to identify your best target market and ideal client
• Competitor analysis

29.05 – Etsy: Part 2

• Product descriptions and tags  
• Keywords and SEO
• An introduction to marketing in social media

5.06 – Follow-up Q&A session of Etsy training

12.06 – Etsy: Part 3

• Branding your Etsy shop
• Product Photography
• How to price your products

19.06 – Follow-up Q&A session of Etsy training

11.09 – Tbilisi workshop session (TBC)

12.09 – Kutaisi workshop session (TBC)

Amazon / Mihkel Moosel

02.10 – Amazon: Part 1

• How Amazon and the Amazon algorithm works
• Overview of different Amazon markets, their sizes and market complexities
• How to organize your logistics and tax structure for ease of use and most benefit
• Biggest mistakes that will cost you up to 10 000€, yet are easily avoidable

09.10 – Amazon: Part 2

• Different softwares and tools to use
• How to read Amazon market data
• How to determine revenue potential accurately
• How to determine profitability
• How to determine competitor strength
• Benchmark KPIs for market research
• What kind of investment will be necessary in time and money to establish a foothold for Your products
• How to differentiate in a way that matter to the Amazon customer
• How to gather customer research data to do basic product improvements in order to sell better
• Live workshop to put Your own market research together
• Homework

16.10 – Follow-up & session of Amazon training

3) Activities and news

Tartu Center for Creative Industries is starting a cooperation project in Georgia

Tartu Center for Creative Industries is starting a project in Georgia, which is financed by Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the funds of development cooperation and humanitarian aid. The opening event of the project will take place on March 13 in Zoom with participation of representatives of project partner organizations – Tartu Center for Creative Industries (Estonia) and Crystal Consulting (Georgia). Estonian Ambassador to Georgia Riina Kaljurand will be a special quest at this event and will say the opening remarks.

Going Global Georgia is an international project that aims to increase the entrepreneurial knowledge and competencies of small and micro entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship teachers and young professionals aspiring to sell on global markets via use of online environments. During the project, online trainings are delivered by Estonian industry experts to provide basic knowledge about tried and tested social media (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn), Google, Amazon, and Etsy sales strategies. The trainings are conducted by renowned experts and instructors in their field Jaan Kruusma, Kadri Ronk, Indrek Põldvee, Victoria Silber and Mihkel Moosel. A local support network will be set up in Georgia and workshops will be held to support the participants in the training and to better apply the knowledge gained. At the end of the project, training sessions will take place in Georgia – Tbilisi and Kutaisi.

Kristiina Reidolv, the head of Tartu Centre for Creative Industries, comments on the project as follows: “We are pleased that with the help of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs we can offer support to Georgian micro-enterprises as well as entrepreneurial people working in the creative fields. The interest in participating in the trainings has been higher than expected. Nearly 200 people applied for the training program, from which almost 50 participants were selected. Such great interest shows that the topics of our trainings are relevant and necessary.