Tartu Loomemajanduskeskus

Baltic-Nordic Community arts network (Nov 2020 – Oct 2021)

The Baltic-Nordic Community Arts network has been developed by Culturelab (Latvia), Tartu Centre for Creative Industries (Estonia) and Virserums Konsthall (Sweden).

At the core of the new network are two Baltic organizations with the experience of providing trainings for cultural managers and supporting new creative partnerships – Culturelab in Latvia and Tartu Centre of Creative Industries in Estonia along with Nordic partner – Virserums Konsthall in Sweden, an active regional NGO working with local and regional artists and communities for more than 20 years. After the first year the network could be expanded with members from other Baltic and Nordic countries, promoting the idea of community arts and raising the capacity of organizers and artists willing to work with local communities.

The development of the network is supported by the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture

You can follow the activities of the network on Facebook page.

If you wish to receive the information about  activities carried out by Nordic-Baltic Network or wish to join the first Nordic-Baltic community art activist and artist database, please fill in the application form here!

More information in English can be found HERE