Tartu Loomemajanduskeskus

Contact Seminar 2010

Nordic- Baltic Contact seminar for organisations active in the field of creative industries and creative economy 
June 16 – 19, 2010 in Tartu, Estonia

Objectives of the seminar: 

1. Create contacts and networks between organisations active in the field of creative industries and creative economy in the Nordic and the Baltic countries 
2. Get acquainted with new initiatives and working methods, share possible project ideas in order to prepare project applications for Nordic and European cooperation programmes
Organisers and supporters: 

Tartu Centre for Creative Industries 
Tartu City 
Nordic Council of Ministers`Office in Estonia 
Estonian Ministry of Culture 
Enterprise Estonia
Preliminary programme:
Wednesday, June 16 
19.00        Dinner and welcome reception by the City of Tartu in Tartu City Museum
Thursday, June 17 
In the venes of Tartu Centre for Creative Industries (Kalevi 13, Tartu)
10 – 13        Self-introduction of all participants giving a short description about their field of activities, their organisation and about the situation of creative industries in their city
13 – 15        Lunch in the garden of the centre
15 – 16        Welcome speeches by co-organisers and supporters 
Presentation of possible project and cooperation  ideas of Tartu Centre for Creative Industries
16-18           Presentation of other cooperation ideas, discussions about the possible subjects of joint projects
19                Dinner and reception of the Estonian Minister of Culture in Tartu Toy Museum, presentation of a programme of Estonian cartoons and toy-movies 
Friday, June 18    
In the venues of Tartu Centre for Creative Industries (Kalevi 13, Tartu)
10 – 13         Presentation of two new initiatives:
HUB   –  overview of HUB activites in Bergen and Tampere
                    DEMOLA – cooperation model between entreprises, universities and municipality used in Tampere
13 – 14.30     Lunch in the garden of the centre
15 – 18          Visits to different organisations active in the field of creative industries: science centre AHHAA and its 4D cinema, Playtech – a world-spread producer of internet games, Tartu Science Park, Antonius guild –  a medieval-style centre for handicraft masters
19                  Dinner and reception of Nordic Council of Ministers`Office in Estonia on the Emajõgi River on board of the barge “Jõmmu”

Saturday, June 19         
Departure, possibility to order morning excursion in the city or in the surroundings of Tartu 
Participation fee:

The participation in the seminar and accommodation are free of charge 


There are limited number of scholarships for reimbursing the travel costs. In order to get this, please contact Külli Hansen.

Accomodation in the Hotel Dorpat.

Further information and contacts: 

Külli Hansen
Tartu Centre for Creative Industries
Development Director
Tel: +372 51 06865
e-mail: kylli@lmk.ee