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Going Global Georgia 2

Project aim is to increase the entrepreneurial knowledge and competencies of small and micro entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship teachers and young professionals in Georgia aspiring to sell on global markets using online environments.

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Tartu Centre for Creative Industries is a proud hub film in South Estonia. As a runner of Tartu Film Fund that aims to boost entrepreneurial creativity in the region, bring investments to Tartu County, encourage the production of professional audiovisual works and promote international co-production – the International Filmmakers Residency welcomes a dozen acclaimed film directors to Tartu and South Estonia in 2022 and 2023.

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Landscapes and Bodies

Landscapes and Bodies, directed by Daniel Kötter. Landscapes and Bodies is a five-part performance series dedicated to the political, social and ecological consequences of global underground and open-cast mining. The final part with the title Oil-Shale is going to be produced in Estonia.

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Going Global Georgia (1.01 to 31.12.2021)

Going Global Georgia is an international project that aims to increase the entrepreneurial knowledge and competencies of small and micro entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship teachers and young professionals aspiring to sell on global markets via use of online environments.

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Baltic-Nordic Community arts network (Nov 2020 – Oct 2021)

The Baltic-Nordic Community Arts network has been developed by Culturelab (Latvia), Tartu Centre for Creative Industries (Estonia) and Virserums Konsthall (Sweden). At the core of the new network are two Baltic organizations with the experience of providing trainings for cultural managers and supporting new creative partnerships – Culturelab in Latvia and Tartu Centre of Creative Industries in Estonia along with Nordic partner – Virserums Konsthall in Sweden, an active regional NGO working with local and regional artists and communities for more than 20 years.

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