Tartu Loomemajanduskeskus

Tartu Loomemajanduskeskus sTARTUp Day’l

/🇬🇧 below/

Tartu Loomemajanduskeskus toob sTARTUp Day’l fookusesse filmisektori!

Neljapäev, 30. jaanuar

Kell 10-17 on avatud LMK demoala, kus tutvustame läbi Tartu Filmifondi erinevaid filmidega seotud ettevõtteid. Kohapeal saad näha filmi “Musk Auk” tulnukat ja saad vaadata kuidas grimmikunstnik Gristina Pahmann filmimeiki loob!

Kell 13-13:45 toimub Ruth-Helene Melioranski seminar teemal “Responsive and Responsible Through Design” / seminari saal 4

Kell 14-15 näitab Gristina Pahmann kuidas käib filmigrimmi loomine / demoala

Reede, 31. jaanuar

Kell 10-17 on avatud demoala

Kell 11-12 toimub Creative Industries Pitching Competition koostöös EIT Culture and Creativity’ga, kus lavale astub seitse tugevat tiimi. TOP 7 hulgas on kolm tiimi, kes osalevad EIT Culture & Creativity Shape kiirendi programmis. Peaauhinnaks on 5000€ arengutoetus! / pitching stage

Kell 12-13 toimub Iris Münteli ja Andres Jakovlevi seminar “Behind the Scenes: Building Estonia’s First Movie Monster” / seminari saal 5

Kell 13-14 näitab Gristina Pahmann kuidas käib filmigrimmi loomine / demoala

Kell 14:12-14:36 esitab Anna Hints inspireeriva kõne personaalsel teemal “How to Break the Glass Ceiling Without Getting Cut” / pealava

Kell 15-16 saab kohtuda Anna Hintsiga meie demoalal

Kell 16-17 antakse üle Creative Industries Pitching Competitioni peaauhind

Kohtume sTARTUp Day’l!


Tartu Centre for Creative Industries brings the film industry to the spotlight!

Thursday, January 30

10:00–17:00 visit the Tartu Centre for Creative Industries demo area to explore various film-related companies through the Tartu Film Fund. See the alien from the film “Black Hole”, watch makeup artist Gristina Pahmann create movie makeup and meet directors Anna Hints and Moonika Siimets!

13:00–13:45 seminar held by Ruth-Helene Melioranski “Responsive and Responsible Through Design” / seminar room 4

14:00–15:00 Gristina Pahmann demonstrates how film makeup is created / our demo area

Friday, January 31

10:00–17:00 our demo area is open to visit

11:00–12:00 Creative Industries Pitching Competition powered by EIT Culture and Creativity. Seven strong teams will take the stage, including three teams from the EIT Culture & Creativity Shape accelerator program. The grand prize is €5,000 development support! / pitching stage

12:00–13:00 seminar by Iris Müntel and Andres Jakovlev “Behind the Scenes: Building Estonia’s First Movie Monster” / seminar room 5

13:00–14:00 Gristina Pahmann demonstrates how film makeup is created / our demo area

14:12–14:26 Anna Hints delivers an inspiring talk on a personal topic “How to Break the Glass Ceiling Without Getting Cut” / starlight stage

15:00–16:00 meet Anna Hints at our demo area

16:00–17:00 presentation of the grand prize for the Creative Industries Pitching Competition

See you at sTARTUp Day!