Tartu Loomemajanduskeskus

Logo : Tartu Centre for Creative Industries- incubation


Total budget: 22 800€
Duration: 4 months, 01.01 – 30.04.2023
Lead partner:  Estonian Film Institute
Partners: Tartu Centre for Creative Industries 

The overall aim of the project is to become familiar with green policy strategies and their practical implementation in film production in the Nordic region (Finland, Denmark, Sweden and Iceland). Detailed objectives:
1) knowledge transfer for mutual benefit in a green film production field;
2) promotion of network cooperation and experience exchange on best practices in the field;
3) harmonization of standards in green film production.

Contact: Signe Somelar-Erikson, signe@lmk.ee

Project is cofinanced by Nordic Baltic Mobility program, https://www.norden.ee/en.